10-10-10 = 30 minutes exercise a day is easy

 10-10-10 = 30 minutes exercise a day is easy

Its practically difficult for you to take out 30-40minutes at a stretch daily for walk or any exercise and do you also think exercising in breaks of 10-10-10mins wouldn’t help much…Right…then please read this….

Research has proven that a little bit of exercise makes a big difference. And even if you have a jampacked day, take heart. Three 10-minute segments of moderate-intensity exercise throughout the day is acceptable.
“If we do 30 minutes in a day thats approximately 200minutes in a week, that’s better than zero.

So here also we’re not talking about giving up 30 or 60 minutes either; all you need is 10.

Just 10?
Forget the “all or nothing” mentality when it comes to exercise. Fitness does not live or die by 30-60-minute workouts; there is middle ground. Short spurts of exercise, when they accumulate, have been shown to share similar benefits of longer workouts.

30 minutes a day, broken up into manageable chunks of 10. Start with a quick exercise when you wake up. The second session? A lunch break is possibly the perfect time to re-energize and get the blood flowing again. The last 10-minute blitz could come in the evening, even while you are watching TV. It’s an ideal way to involve the family as well. Go for a power walk after dinner with your spouse or ride bikes with the kids.

Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day for adults and 60 minutes of physical activity per day for children is a must which can be built up with a variety of activities like going for a jog, a brisk walk, or playing team sports, and also incidental exercise. Incidental exercise is any activity built up in small amounts over the day, for example, taking the stairs instead of the lift, walking to the bus stop, and even housework and gardening. Incidental exercise keeps our bodies moving and burning energy.

Especially for sedentary individuals, the immediate health benefits are huge.

Go ahead  start with your 10-10-10 = 30 minutes of exercise today

Mrs Shilpa Mittal
Nutritionist and Diet Consultant
Founder Shilpsnutrilife – Diet and lifestylemakeover

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