android diet

Pick immune boosting foods
Pick immune boosting foods

Pick immune boosting foods

Pick Immune-Boosting Foods Are you surrounded by coughs and sneezes? From October through march, flu season is in full swing. The best way to prevent the seasonal flu is to make sure you and your loved ones, especially children and…

Why does the metabolic rate drop as you age?

Why does the metabolic rate drop as you age?

 Why does the metabolic rate drop as you age? Your basal metabolic rate – the number of calories your body burns each day just to stay alive – tends to drop as you age. According to conventional wisdom, this is…

Our lifestyle – junk contributors

Our lifestyle – junk contributors

Our lifestyle – junk contributors Environmental Factors:  Bigger food packages and larger portions Bigger size= cheaper….Supersize” All-you-can-eat buffets Less Physical Activity: Escalators/elevators, moving sidewalks,intercoms, tele-commuting Cable movies,computer games, cellular phones.

World Water Day – 22 nd march

World Water Day – 22 nd march

World Water Day-22nd march World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Facts and figures An increasing demand 85%…