Quick diet tips for diabetics

 Quick diet tips for diabetics

While there is no ‘diabetes diet’ per se, there are lots of food items that are considered good for diabetics. In fact it would do non-diabetics a world of good to follow these diet rules as well. So here are a few quick tips.

Quick tips for diabetics
Diabetics need to understand  that it’s not just what they eat but what time they eat it. It’s very important to space out meals. Instead of large meals, people should eat five small meals a day. 
Another very important thing is to consume enough carbohydrates. Carbs in fact are very important for diabetics because it gives them control over their blood sugar levels. Most diabetics should eat complex carbs like whole grains- jowar, bajra, jav, brown rice because along with providing enough energy they don’t increase people’s blood sugar levels.
Also know the right method of eating certain foods like a diabetic can eat rice in the form of pulav or briyani wherein lots of vegetables and pulses are added. Similarly oats and soya flour can be added to idli/dosa batter to improve on fibre and proteins.
Intake of fruits ensures good supply of antioxidants and fibre, however fruits should be had as a meal by itself and never combine with main meals like breakfast, dinner.
Adopt healthier cooking methods like baking, grilling, boiling, roasting.
Avoid excessive use of artificial sweeteners.
Use skimmed milk, sprouts, egg white, chicken without skin, fish.
Have fats from healthy sources like walnuts, almonds, flaxseeds.
Overweight diabetics need a dietary regime which allows weight loss
Good exercise helps keep their blood sugar levels in check. 
Living with diabetes is not hard, some exercise, medications and a proper diet can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Mrs Shilpa Mittal Nutritionist and Diet Consultant Founder Shilpsnutrilife – Diet and lifestylemakeover

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