Celebrate mother’s day on a healthy note

Celebrate mother’s day  on a healthy note
 The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world and “MOTHERS DEFINETLY  RULE OUR WORLD”.Being a mother is arguably one of the most important jobs in the world. And being fit and healthy gives your job a boost an egde above the rest.. 
A healthier mom is a happier mom…..Pamper your moms, thank her not only on mother’s day but each day as she makes all your days special.Following are a few tips for all you supermoms out their to keep yourself fit and healthy, and you kids ensure your mom follow all of this…….

Eat healthy


Whether you’re enjoying breakfast in bed or going out for a special meal in a restaurant, remember to eat healthy. One rule you absolutely must follow is to never finish up the food your child has left. Eating the food left over on your child’s plate can  lead togaining unnecessary weight.

Enjoy physical activity….enjoy outdoors.


Gardening, enjoying the sun, and walking can be great ways to enjoy the outdoors, get physical activity, All you multi-tasking moms will like this!)  So if you’ve taken your child for a karate class, don’t just wait in the lobby. Use this half an hour to take a power walk in the street or in a park close by.

Give stress a break
Stressis inevitable, but there are ways you can minimise it.
Keep expectations reasonable.
Never compare your kids with others.
Quit the guilt. It’s OK to make mistakes. Just do the best you can.
Give yourself a priority. 
It’s important to give time for yourself. After all, only when you’re physically and mentally healthy, so will the family be.Ok don’t place yourself first…but atleast you can place yourself inbetween rather then always placing yourself last es
pecially when eating is concerned.
Ditch the supermom myth and enjoy motherhood. 

The trick is not to expect an A+ in every aspect of your life. You are not taking an exam, and you frankly can’t score cent per cent.It’s a great time full of challenges and triumphs and the most important thing is to enjoy it. It will go away fast and when you look back at this time, you should remember all the laugher and fun you had.
Breathe, chill, relax. Tell yourself you are beautiful, do your best.

Make Mother’s Day a special day of health—and keep up the good habits all year. You deserve it! (And your loved ones will benefit, too.)


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