Indian summer vegetable – TINDA OR BABY PUMPKIN

Indian summer vegetable

Tinda, also called Indian round gourd or apple gourd or Indian Baby Pumpkin, is a squash-like cucurbit grown for its immature fruit, a vegetable especially popular in South Asia.

Tinda” is also called “tindsi” in rajasthan, in Marathi, it is called Dhemase.

Since it is moisture-filled it keeps your body cool and healthy. It is a type of vegetable with very less calories and almost 94% water. It is beneficial for the stomach problems which mostly occurs in summer like acidity, diarrhea,by increasing water absorption and their by relieving stomach acidity.

It is very mild and soothing vegetable for intestinal tract.It is also very effective in urinary tract infections.Also A bowl of cooked tinda is useful to cure light fever.

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