Table, Rock and Sea salt which is the best

Salt salt salt…Table, rock or sea which is the best.


It’s like asking mirror mirror on the wall who is the best among all.

Table salt, sea salt, and rock salt are all the same thing: sodium chloride. And they all have the same sodium content (40%). The differences are primarily in texture and taste.

Table salt is made from rock salt harvested from inland deposits (with iodine sometimes added as an extra nutrient). Rock salt is made from similar sources, but it’s usually additive-free and has a coarser texture. Sea salt, as its name suggests, is harvested from evaporated seawater.

The unrefined version i.e. rock salt and sea salt  has more minerals compared to table salt as during the refining process table salt loses calcium, potassium, etc.

Consequently, it has a slightly different flavor. In the end, though, they all contribute equally to your total sodium consumption. 

Just remember whichever salt you are planning to use. ..The “AMOUNT” you use is of utmost importance. Too much of any of them will have a negative effect on your health.

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