Shop till you drop but don’t hog

Shop till you drop but don’t Hog

Make sure you eat a good healthy meal before you hit the MALL for shopping. Will save you some expensive calorie investment that you might repent later.

Eat before you go, tuck an apple, dried fruit or high fiber snack bar or roasted channa into your purse or backpack before you leave. You know that shopping always takes longer than you think, so be prepared! Take a water bottle too. If you can forego the food court, even for a drink, you’ll be less tempted to buy food.

If incase you have to eat anything while shopping go in for sweetcorns boiled without butter or plain salted popcorns.

Think ahead to what you’ll want to eat when you get home. Prepare some lentils or sprouts which can be had with rice or bread or prepare theplas or get things ready for khicdi in cooker, so you’ll have a ready to eat healthy meal when you get home. Or put some fish in the fridge to defrost so it will be ready to grill.

#sale #eathealthy #diet #weightloss #fastweightloss

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