Portion distortion – 10 years challenge

#10yearchallenge #Portiondistortion
Portion sizes have been growing and so have we. Big portion sizes have become the new abnormal, and it’s time to scale back.

Over the past few years portions have grown significantly in fast food and sit-down restaurants, as has the frequency of eating out. Subsequently, waistlines have also grown right along with this trend.

At the end of the day, the fact remains that 10 years ago portion size was a fraction of what we see today. Average portion sizes have grown so much over the past 10 years that sometimes the plate arrives and there’s enough food for two or even three people on it.

Growing portion sizes are changing what people think of as a “normal” portion at home too. We call it portion distortion.

Big portion sizes can mean you’re getting more food than your body i.e stomach can handle to maintain a healthy weight.

Although portions are getting bigger god has given us only one stomach and that too with limited stuffing capacity right…please think over this.

#PortionDistortion #10yearchallenge #Shilpsnutrilife #bigportions #constipation #bestdietician #dieticianborivali

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