I have many of my clients asking 🤔me whether the core, the inner part of carrot is healthy and should be incorporated…. though it doesn’t taste as good as carrot 🥕 itself.
So here is my take……
Carrot is the one of the healthiest vegetable, no part of carrot is harmful for health. In fact, carrot is loaded with numerous benefits.
Carrots 🥕are rich in betacarotene. The name beta carotene comes from the Greek “beta” and Latin “carota” (carrot). It is the yellow/orange pigment that gives vegetables and fruits their rich colors.
The inner part of carrot is xylem, through which water is transported to the leaves, hence it is little thick, you can cook it to chew easily.
Not only carrots have very high amount of in vitamin A, an essential nutrient for good vision but are also loaded with beta carotene which are subsequently converted into vitamin A in your liver.
So go ahead and enjoy 🤗the whole of the carrots🥕..
#carrots #betacarotene #vitaminA #shilpsnutrilife #eyehealth #nutritionforeyes