International No Diet Day today

It’s International No Diet Day today!


Hold on hold on….no diet day doesn’t mean you can eat anything….This day is dedicated to promoting a healthy life style with a focus on health at any size and in raising awareness of the potential dangers of dieting and the unlikelihood of success.No Diet Day aims to help to teach people to have a healthy relationship with food, and to ditch restrictive diets.

There is no diet! NONE! That would do what healthy eating does! Forget the diets. Just eat healthy.

How to distinguish a diet from eating healthy.

Just answer this simple question: could you eat like this i.e whatever you are eating, throughout your life Without “cheating”?

If the answer is YES: Congratulations, you do not diet, you EAT.

If the answer is NO: You are on diet.. Which means that you are just wasting your time. Bad idea! Unless you have multiple lives to live.

You really should forget about your “diet” and start eating healthy. Accept it as lifestyle enjoy it….



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