World Arthritis Day 2017

World arthritis day -October 12 2017

In 2017, WAD is part of the ‘Don’t Delay, Connect Today!’ EULAR Campaign which, for the first time, engages all three EULAR pillars – patient organisations (PARE), health professional associations and scientific communities.

Rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) often receive delayed or no diagnosis.
Early diagnosis is key to preventing further damage, but RMDs often receive delayed or no diagnosis.This is often due to a lack of awareness, reducing peoples’ quality of life and affecting physical abilities.

The EULAR Campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of early diagnosis in preventing further damage to those living with RMDs, and to encourage timely access to evidence-based treatment.

Arthritis is seen in every age groups-men women, children, and young people but mainly found in elderly people. Mostly the age group of 50-66 is affected with the problem of arthritis. This causes in pain, swellings, and stiffness in joints. Therefore a day has been dedicated in order to aware the people all over the world about arthritis. In this day person come across with problems related with arthritis, take the steps to tackle it.

A healthy eating plan can greatly reduce the painful symptoms of arthritis.

Eat a balanced, nutritious diet which includes limiting sodium and avoiding foods that contain too much fat, sugar, or refined grains as well as consumption of “vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, seafood, lean meats, eggs, beans, peas, nuts and seeds.” This helps support the body so it can heal itself naturally. While some arthritic conditions may not be reversed, many sufferers can reduce0 their pain considerably by following some simple dietary advice. A consultation with a nutritionist or a physician about holistic medicine for arthritis may yield additional diet or lifestyle advice to help you manage your condition.

Diet should provide good amounts of calcium and vitamin D, Calcium and vitamin D work together to maintain strong bones. The body needs sufficient amounts of vitamin D to absorb and use calcium. Vitamin D deficiency and insufficient calcium absorption can weaken existing bones and prevent the formation of strong, new bone.

People with RA need a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, including antioxidants (vitamin E, C, and selenium), vitamin B6 and B12, folic acid, collagen, and zinc, which have potential benefits in managing RA symptoms.

Nutrition can help, either with medicines or, in some cases, instead of them. Foods affect the joints in two major ways. First, certain foods trigger the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, and eliminating these foods sometimes causes even long-standing symptoms to improve or even remit entirely. Second, certain fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory action that can reduce joint pain, stiffness, and swelling.

Your weight is the single most important link between diet and arthritis, as being overweight puts an additional burden on your hips, knees, ankles and feet. If you are unable to exercise as much because of your arthritis, you should reduce your calorie intake.This will prevent excess energy from the food you eat being stored in your body as fat.

However keeping active can minimise the ill effects of arthritis, so say the experts.

So stay active eat healthy and fight arthritis.

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