World Breastfeeding Week 1 – 7 August

World Breastfeeding Week 1 – 7 August
    Celebrated in more than 170 countries worldwide.

This year’s World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) theme,“Breastfeeding: A Winning Goal – For Life!”  

Breastfeeding is a ‘team’ process: mother and babies form the core of the team, with family, friends, and others serving as team members, coaches, cheerleaders, and fans. Mothers have goals for breastfeeding and need the help and support of the whole team to achieve those goals. As with a sports game, there can be small successes and setbacks through the course of a family’s breastfeeding experience, though striving all the time to win. The 2014 World Breastfeeding Week theme, “Breastfeeding: A Winning Goal – For Life!” celebrates the team effort needed to make breastfeeding easier.
As societies change, however, in particular with urbanization, support for mothers from a wider circle is needed, “The key to best breastfeeding practices is continued day-to-day support for the breastfeeding mother within her home and community.”

Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beneficial acts a mother can do for her child. Dramatic health benefits have been proven to pass from mother to child through breastmilk. From antibodies which protect an infant at birth…to the exclusive nutrients in mother’s milk which have been shown to prevent a number of childhood diseases…the benefits are incalculable.

“Breastfeeding is so important to a baby’s health it provides infants with the most complete nutrition possible and has the optimal mix of nutrients and antibodies necessary for them to thrive.”

Mrs Shilpa Mittal Nutritionist and Diet Consultant Founder Shilpsnutrilife – Diet and lifestylemakeover

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