dietician in Mumbai

The Difference between Yellow, White, Red Onions and Green onion

The Difference between Yellow, White, Red Onions and Green onion

The Difference between Yellow, White, Red Onions and Green onion Onions belong to the Allium family If you’ve ever been in the grocery store buying onions Or cooking and couldn’t figure out which color of onion to buy or use…

The health benefits and nutritional values of the sugarcane juice

The health benefits and nutritional values of the sugarcane juice

The health benefits and nutritional values of the sugarcane juice. As raw sugar contains no simple sugars, sugarcane juice has a relatively low glycemic index (the effect a carbohydrate has on blood glucose levels), which keeps the body’s metabolism healthy…

Indian summer vegetable – TINDA OR BABY PUMPKIN

Indian summer vegetable – TINDA OR BABY PUMPKIN

Indian summer vegetable TINDA OR BABY PUMPKIN Tinda, also called Indian round gourd or apple gourd or Indian Baby Pumpkin, is a squash-like cucurbit grown for its immature fruit, a vegetable especially popular in South Asia.Tinda” is also called “tindsi”…

Gudi Padwa – Puran poli – Healthy??? Or Unhealthy???

Gudi Padwa – Puran poli – Healthy??? Or Unhealthy???

Gudi Padwa – Puran poli – Healthy??? Or Unhealthy??? Gudi Padwa is around the corner, this festive season is incomplete without puran poli right. Puran poli is a classic Maharashtrian delicacy. It is a pan-griddled sweet bread stuffed with split…

Checklist to analyse your health status!!!

Checklist to analyse your health status!!!

Checklist to analyse your Health status !!! “Good health adds life to years”, here is a checklist which will help you in analysizing how healthy you are!!! 1.Climb up to the 2nd floor of your building and then check your…