
Multigrain (Millet) roti
Multigrain (Millet) roti

Multigrain (Millet) roti

Multigrain (Millet) roti Millets are very environmentally friendly crops. The millet system can withstand less rain, more heat, reduced water availability, all these challenges, still survive and flourish. šŸŒ¾ Millet production is not dependent on the use of synthetic fertilizers.…

Cinnamon power
Cinnamon power

Cinnamon power

Cinnamon is the oldest spice and has been used by several cultural practices for centuries Its properties :- anti-microbial, anti-fungal, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-tumour, blood pressure-lowering, cholesterol and lipid-lowering and gastro-protective properties. It is also used for the treatment of cough…

Peas pod soup

PEAS POD SOUP BEST OF A WASTE SOUP Green soup…. OPOS METHOD Ready in 10mins….flashed cooked peas pod (main ingredient), added spinach leaves a few and its stem, capsicum, spring onion, French beans, coriander,curry leaves,green chillies, fresh green garlic (available…