Difference between jaggery and sugar and why should we replace sugar with jaggery.

Difference between jaggery and sugar and why should we replace sugar with jaggery.

It is far complex than sugar, as it is made up of longer chains of sucrose.
It is digested slower than sugar and releases energy slowly
It is rather a tastemaker and colour maker
It contains iron, cacium, potassium, phoshorus
Jaggery helps in calcium absorption
Jaggery is ecofriendly
Jaggery aids in digestion, as jaggery breaks and becomes alkaline in the digestive system.

It is simplest available forms of sucrose
It is instantly absorbed in blood and releases a burst of energy
It is just a sweetner
It is source of empty calories
Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium
Sugar industry pollutes air, water and soil.
Sugar becomes acidic.

so gohead n replace ur sugar…………..

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