Empower your family with the right nutrition
We’ve all heard “a family that eats together, stays together.”in short a healthy family is a happy family.

The importance of nutrition for your family’s health is undebetable but helping the whole family stick to balanced healthy meals is quite the challenge, so our family nutrition package is perfect for those wanting to make family wide change.
How this works
Each member’s age, height weight body composition, fat and muscle ratio, medical history, general history, current diet, food likes. dislikes, culture, physical activity, schedule etc…are taken into consideration.
Also Blood parameters as needed gives an internal picture.
Based on this details diet is planned for each member and accordingly aligned so that one needs to cook just one menu for the entire family and make changes as suggested. The given plan is reviewed for changes after a period of 7 days
Key takeaways
- Customized individual diet plan for the whole family ( 2adults + 2 kids) plus one follow up
- Calculation of body mass index, body composition
- No pills, powders or supplements given, simple home cooked foods
- Recipe support
- Maximum benefit with least effort
- Healthy lifespan, less sick days
- Customized goals, objectives to meet those goals
- Education and practical tools to make success easy
- One free consultation with Child psychologist Mrs. Riddhi Doshi Patel
- Financial diet by Mr.Kamal Jeswani
Includes a customized diet plan along with one follow up after 10days.
Charges- A family of 4 Rs 7500/-
A family of 2 Rs 3750/-
Here is how to go about diet consultation
Complete the questionnaire in detail and make the payment
Diet plan
You will receive the diet plan within 48hrs on receipt of fees. Delivering personalised, reliable nutritional advice to optimise your health by ensuring your diet contains all the essential nutrients.