Health benefits of Corn

Health benefits of Corn

Monsoons are incomplete without a dose of lemon rubbed butta.

With bhuttawalas putting up makeshift stalls at almost every corner in the neighbourhood during the rains, isn’t it difficult to pass by them and not be captivated by the delectable aroma of roasted corn. The way a vendor dips half a lemon in chilli-salt powder and then assaults the corn cob with it sets you salivating in anticipation.Apart from the charcoal roasted variety, there are many who like their bhuttas boiled.This delicious snack has great health benefits.

1. Corn is rich in fiber which aids in digestion.
One cup of cooked yellow corn provides 3.6 g of dietary fiber that helps to control your hunger and keeps your digestive system functioning smoothly

2. It is a good source of vit c, niacin n folic acid, which helps prevent heart disease.

3. It contains thiamin that helps maintain memory
and other valuable B-complex group of vitamins such as pantothenic acid, riboflavin, and pyridoxine. 

4. It lowers cholesterol and prevents the risk of colon cancer.

5. It is loaded with lutein,zeaxanthin and ß-carotenes (esp the yellow ones), these phytochemicals promote healthy vision.


One of most common myth and fear people have is – corn is fattening and sugary.
Truth: An cob of corn has about the same number of calories as an apple and less than one-fourth the sugar. In other words, it can be one of the healthier foods! Just remember: while sweet corn is healthy, some of the fried preparation made out of it or toppings people like to put on it aren’t, but still at times an cob of corn slathered in butter and doused in salt is still a healthy option.

Still waiting go ahead and enjoy this guilt free snack

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