Give your immune system a boost with this immuno-boosting …”RED BL🍎SS🍎M SOUP” Fight back against the colds and flus….happening due the seasonal 🌈change.
This soup ☕contains Dudhi, beet, tomato🍎, spring onions, capsicum, garlic, green chillies, ginger…with little rock salt, cumin powder and a dash of black pepper powder. Cooked in a pressure cooker, cooled, blended in a blender. Strained slightly….serve hot.
Spring rice- cooked rice seasoned with spring onions.
This dish is positively packed with antioxidants such as vitamin A (beta carotene) 🎃 vitamin C, manganese and also light on stomach. Try to introduce as many colours as you can, particularly seasonal and rest be assured of sound health🍓🍏🍉
Go ahead do give this a try. With the change of weather and schedules, don’t forget to take care of your mind and body before everything else. Your body will certainly thank you for the effort! 🙏
#shilpsnutrilife #immunity, #healthy #weightloss #bestdieticIan