National Childhood Obesity Week -7th -13 july 2014

       National Childhood Obesity Week
7th -13 july 2014

Our children are getting fatter with every passing year. Around 2 per cent of urban Indian kids are obese, 8-10 per cent of them are overweight, and the numbers are only growing.
Lets give a thought to this…….Child Obesity in India on the Rise

Obesity in children has tripled in the past two decades. The rate of development of mind and body in children decreases with junk food due to the empty calories it provides. A regular pizza provides about 800-1000 calories whereas a burger provides you with around 500 calories.

Pizza’s & Burgers  and junk food joints have become a hot spot for children now a days to fill their tiny stomach’s. Well, pizza’s & the burgers taste nice and exciting but are unable to provide the nutrition that is required for healthy living.

Researchers also warn that children who are fed with junk food have lower IQ than their counterparts who ate nutritious food.  Junk food decrease the efficiency which is important for children. Heart related diseases are growing with obesity and weight gain is normal for people on a junk food diet.

We need to come out of this general misconception esp in India that the obese child is a healthy child and the so called “ baby fat” will vanish as the child grows. 

Once the habit is developed for junk food, it gets very difficult to get rid of the addiction. To ensure that kids do not make this unhealthy lifestyle a permanent part of their life one should start inculcating good nutritional habits from the beginning. Ensuring enough physical activities is an equally important aspect of every child’s growth. In case you need professional assistance to get you started on a healthier lifestyle for your family contact us now before it is too late.

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