Tadgola a great summer fruit - Shilpsnutrilife

Tadgola a great summer fruit

Tadgola a great summer fruit


Tadgola a great fruit especially to have in summer, it actually cools you down although peeling the fruit is a little messy job.

Also known as ice apple, palm fruit or nungu. It is a delicious fruit, famous in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, in summer. In Bengal, it is known as Taal. In Bihar, it is known as Taari.

It grows in clusters, and has a coconutty, brown exterior. On cutting open, each fruit had three to four jelly seeds that have a soft yellowish skin that darkens to a light brown when exposed to air.


They are a great source of potassium and low in sodium which helps to control blood pressure.They cool your body during summers and also help in maintaining electrolyte balance.

Eat this anytime of the day and enjoy it to the fullest in summers.

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