Do u know your body uses protein to make hemoglobin the part of red blood cells that carries oxygen to every part of your body. …so just taking your iron supplements will not help if the diet is deficient in…

Do u know your body uses protein to make hemoglobin the part of red blood cells that carries oxygen to every part of your body. …so just taking your iron supplements will not help if the diet is deficient in…
Drumstick (Moringa) Leaves Paratha Moringa leaves are an excellent source of many vitamins like A, C and minerals like iron, magnesium. They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Ingredients Moringa Leaves/drumstick leaves – 1 cup leaves washed Corriender leaves a…
Dietetics day 10th Jan2019 theme “Anemia Mukt Bharat” 5⃣0⃣ % population in India are affected by anemia. Anemia is a form of malnutrition that limits growth, mental development, education and work capacity. In short the economy of a country. Know…
Vitamin C and Iron absorption Vitamin C enhances iron absorption to as much as 30 percent. Combining 👐 heme (Heme iron is found in animal foods that originally contained hemoglobin, such as red meats🍖 fish🐠 , and poultry and is…