World heart day 2013 – superheart power

 World Heart Day 2013 
  superheart power

This year’s theme will focus on: a life-course approach to the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease (CVD) with a focus on women and children…… because healthy children lead to healthy adults and healthy adults lead to healthy families

In today’s digital age, men, women and children are becoming less and less active. Even during leisure time, people spend less time exercising and more time in front of the TV, computer, mobile or video-game console. Plus add on to it unhealthy junk food habits of both the parents and the kids are putting them at risk of heart diesease at an early age.

In a cartoon created for World Heart Day and aimed at 7—10-year-olds, Superheart, a hero who kicks a football rather than plays computer games, and chases away burgers, chips, and sugary drinks, goes right to the heart of the matter. If children drank water instead of sugar-sweetened drinks, the energy intake per head could be reduced by 120 calories per day. 

Obesity at the population level is a consequence of the unhealthy market-driven food environment we live in. We need to change that if our children are to have a healthy future. Superheart will need superpowers to do so.

The World Heart Federation goes on to say that heart disease is the number one killer of women, causing 1 in 3 female deaths, which amounts to about one death per minute. Children are also at risk of developing heart diseases because of diet constituting bad fats and sugar, low physical activity and childhood obesity.

Gear up guys….start moving towards healthy lifestyle now.

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