World Oral Health Day

 World Oral Health Day

World Oral Health Day is observed on September 12 every year to spread awareness about oral health and hygiene.

“Healthy teeth for a healthy life.” is the theme

Dos and Don’ts for good oral health
# Brushing the teeth twice a day with soft bristles and toothpaste recommended by the Indian Dental Association.

# Massage of gums are also important part of brushing the teeth.

# It is important to maintain cleanliness of tongue using tongue cleaner.

# Avoid smoking, as it is known to cause oral cancer besides raising the risk of heart and respiratory diseases.

# Adequate care of oral health of pregnant woman is recommended, as it is directly linked to oral health of developing child.

# Drink plenty of liquids, especially water to keep your mouth moist.

# Avoid sipping coffee, soft drinks, tea throughout the day, as they can create an environment where it’s easier for decay-promoting bacteria to flourish and erode tooth enamel.

# Green leafy vegetables, milk, curd, seasonal fruits, tomatoes and carrot should be included in the diet for strong and healthy teeth.

# Sticky and excessive sweet items should be avoided.

# Regular check-up of teeth (at least once in a six month) is recommended.

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