Vitamin D Facts

 Vitamin D Facts

November 2nd is Vitamin D Day!

Vitamin D Day is a day to recognize vitamin D deficiency as a world problem.

Researchers agree that at least one third of the world is deficient in vitamin D, and some scientists even think a greater percent of people are deficient in vitamin D.

Why are so many people deficient, you might ask? It’s simple really. We get vitamin D from sun exposure. And now, more than ever, the world’s population lives an indoor lifestyle, avoiding the sun daily. Doctors are beginning to discover that vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for many diseases, including heart disease and cancer.
Learn, educate and participate; let’s get the word out!

“Vitamin D deficiency is a global pandemic that has serious health consequences for children and adults. Improvement in the world’s vitamin D status could significantly reduce risk of many chronic illnesses including cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes and many deadly cancers as well as infectious diseases including upper respiratory tract infections, influenza and tuberculosis.”
If you expect sunshine to provide you with vitamin D, then you’d better make sure that the sun is high enough in the sky, because when the sun is low on the horizon it cannot help skin make vitamin D.
Learn, educate and participate; let’s get the word out!So go grab the sunshine vitamin and up your vitamin D levelsMrs Shilpa Mittal Nutritionist and Diet Consultant Founder Shilpsnutrilife – Diet and lifestylemakeover

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