Diet Danger zone

Diet “danger zones”

Dieting “danger zones” are those areas of your home (such as your couch) or activities (like watching television) that seem to set you up for making poor food choices or overeating. Every dieter has a certain time of day they absolutely dread.


No matter how serious you are about watching your weight, practicing portion control, and maintaining good eating habits, it’s easy to find yourself in certain situations that can really test your willpower.
For eg: the problem may be: if junk food is in the house, nutty bars, brownies, etc… u can tell urself over and over “no” and continue to sit down and eat until the boxes are empty 🙁

The trick is to find ways to cope, so here are some common “danger zones” to watch out for when you’re trying to stick to a healthy eating plan.

Take a moment to think about locations, activities, or combinations of the two, that lead you to eat on auto pilot
— Like Close the kitchen after dinner
— Replace TV time with family time
— Avoid eating from packets directly.

Share how you have learned to cope with dieting danger zones.

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