Is detoxification necessary? ??

Is detoxification necessary?

Post festival or holiday season this is very common, right

“I need to rid my body of toxins, time to detox.”

“I’m starting a detox diet this week.”

“Time for my annual detox juice fast!”


Detox can be expensive, at times unnecessary and possibly damaging.They’re popular because they offer an apparent ‘quick fix’ solution to poor lifestyle and diet habits. “You’ve done the bad thing, now here’s the detox diet to absolve you of your sins so you can start a clean slate.”

“If through a detox diet you start eating healthy that’s a wonderful thing,”. But if you’re serious about improving your health, you need to make changes that last beyond the few weeks or months of your detox program.


Our bodies are smart. They have built in mechanisms to detox ‘toxins’. Detox organs include: liver, kidneys, skin and lungs. Our bodies’ digestive, lymphatic and circulatory systems all play a major role in the process of detox.

We encounter toxic substances all the time, but our body does a perfectly good job of removing them.

Fruit and vegetables, for example, contain natural insecticides that could be harmful to our bodies, but our kidneys, liver and gut effectively neutralise such substances within hours of eating them, converting them into products that can be passed out of our bodies. Our lungs, skin and immune system are also primed to remove or neutralise toxic substances.


How ever Assisted Detox i.e natural, highly effective and safe form of ‘detox enhancement’ is exercise! Exercise speeds up your circulatory and respiratory systems and promotes natural sweating-all natural detox methods used by the body (lungs, skin and blood/digestive system).

Another very important part of natural detox is your hydration level! Your body will detox itself much easier if you are fully hydrated. Water, fresh fruit juices, herbal tea, detox water and coconut water are fabulous beverages to stay hydrated.

“If you cut out alcohol, stop smoking ,eat more fruit and vegetables and less processed foods i.e junk food, exercise more you will feel better. But that’s not because you’re eliminating toxins. You’re just putting less rubbish in your body.”Please give a thought to this before unnecesarily following a detox programme.


Undergo a detox only if advised and under proper guidance

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