Dietitics Day 2017

Shilpsnutrilife a Diet and lifestyle makeovers.

We at Shilpsnutrilife not only give you a diet plan, but help you take the junk out of your life.

When you consult us for a diet plan, it’s not just a chalked out diet on paper but a regular guidance about foods to buy, reading labels, managing social functions, cooking, cravings, lifestyle modification, squeezing in fitness, motivation… which makes the actual difference.

It is basically teaching you about the food body your requires.

In short improving the health of the entire family indirectly, it is like creating a path for you to move healthier ahead.

So please get your myths cleared…..

Dietician is not the one who puts you on the so called DIET (starvation,less food, mono diet etc)….But makes all the effort to help you eat healthy, infact many a times you just can’t eat so much…….HAVE BETTER HEALTH THROUGH BETTER NUTRITION

“Good nutrition is an investment like no other!”



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