Testing Calcium Supplement’s Ability to Dissolve

How to Test a Calcium Supplement’s Ability to Dissolve


Are you taking a calcium supplement to prevent the onset of osteoporosis? Depending on the quality of the pill, it may not be dissolving fully in your stomach.

This means that fewer nutrients are making their way to your system. By dropping two of your tablets into vinegar, you can easily test the quality of your calcium supplement. The vinegar mimics the action of your stomach acid on the tablets, and allows you to see just what happens to them after they are ingested.

Things You’ll Need

3/4 cup white vinegar
Two calcium supplement pills

1. Pour the vinegar into the glass and add the calcium supplements.
2. Soak the tablets in the vinegar for 30 minutes, stirring them once every couple minutes.
3. Monitor the supplements’ progress. If they are nearly dissolved or broken up into small fragments after 30 minutes, they are likely doing their job. If they are still whole or in several large chunks, you should try a different brand of calcium supplement.

Read more: How to Test a Calcium Supplement’s Ability to Dissolve | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4494448_test-calcium-supplements-ability-dissolve.html#ixzz1NKf1zqCK

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