Energy drink or caffeine drink

Energy drink or caffeine drink

The truth about energy drink


Do u think……Drinking energy drinks is the best way to get energized…..think again

No one needs an energy drink. Energy drinks might give a feel of short burst of energy, but it doesn’t last.

Energy drinks usually contain lots of sugar; in fact, one energy drink can have up to 14 teaspoons of sugar!…which means around 280calories n just empty calories n nothing else….

Most energy drinks have caffeine, and too much caffeine may cause unwanted side effects such as rapid heartbeat and insomnia.

Just give a thought before picking up a can…..for a kick.

The best way to get energized is to eat healthy, be active, stay hydrated and get enough sleep.


Mrs Shilpa Mittal
Nutritionist and Diet Consultant
Founder Shilpsnutrilife – Diet and lifestylemakeover

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