Frying with olive oil

Frying with olive oil
More than three quarters of the fat in olive oil is monounsaturated, the type that lowers LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol.


Extra-virgin olive oil (made from the first pressing of the olives) is also packed with antioxidants called polyphenols that may protect against heart disease and certain cancers.

Heating impairs the taste and aroma of extra-virgin olive oil, so it’s unsuitable for cooking at high temperatures, but perfect for dressings, dipping and drizzling.

For deep frying which involves heating large quantities of oil to a high temperature. The key to healthier fried foods lies in the temperature of the oil. If the oil isn’t hot enough to cook the food quickly, the food absorbs excess oil and fat. If the oil is too hot, components in the oil begin to break down. This produces off-flavors and can produce toxic compounds in the oil., use the olive oil graded “olive oil”, as this can be heated to slightly higher temperatures than other types of olive oil.

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