How old is your heart?

How old is your heart

Today young people say around 22yrs-25yrs have ‘the heart of a 90-year-old.’


This is a common scenario in today’s stressful life, wherein we aren’t suprised if factors related to heart like your cholesterol, triglyceride are a little in the higher range, we are living our lives this way long working hours no exercise, junk food, smoking, alcohol…is any thing left.

“A chronic lack of physical exercise, along with lifestyle issues adds to the problem of accelerated atherosclerosis. These days, the majority of exercise that young people get, is using their thumbs for texting, instant messaging, social media and what not. This, on top of a genetic background pre-dispositioned to infarction as well as poor lifestyle leads to young people having such problems,” says Dr Ajay Kantharia, a clinical cardiologist.

For young Mumbaites working in high stress jobs that cuts across industries — be it law, medicine, media or other jobs, the importance of regular preventative check-ups cannot be understated.

Want to find out how old your heart is? take this quiz

Gear up guys….start moving towards healthy lifestyle now…


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