Plastic is darstic – Dangers of plastic containers

Plastic is drastic -Dangers of plastic containers

What’s wrong with storing food in plastic containers?


Well, have you noticed how your plastic containers become discolored over time? And sometimes they retain the smell of whatever they were storing?

Several research studies have found that when plastic comes in contact with certain foods, molecules of the chemicals in the plastic can leach into the food or beverage. Certain characteristics of the food item can make it more likely to pick up plastic molecules. Acid foods, such as tomato sauce, appear to be particularly interactive with plastic.

When molecules of plastic—or more properly, molecules of the chemicals that get added to plastics during manufacturing—get into our bodies, it’s not a good thing. They can cause unwanted effects in the human body; for instance, some of the chemicals mimic estrogen.Estrogen, of course, is a normal, essential human hormone; but having too much of it (or the molecules that mimic estrogen) has been associated with breast cancer and other health problems.

In general, chemicals that fool the body into thinking they are estrogen or other hormones are called endocrine disruptors and are best avoided…

What would a better food-storage solution look like?…
Glass is the best choice, followed closely by porcelain, ceramic, and stainless steel.

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