In last 2-3 months screen time has increased be it Netflix, zoom meetings💻, chatting on📱 WhatsApp groups or now online schooling 🖥️our eyes👁️ are on a roll! To minimize the effects of digital eye strain and keep your eyes👁️ healthy…
Sand roasted popcorn
Look what I can across Sand roasted corn🍿- the best tasting corn I’ve ever had, without any butter or oil. The sand roasting technique is widely used by street food vendors, villagers cooking corn🌽in a large metal pan filled with…
Free radicals- the killing monster
Free radicals- the killing monster One of the most frequent types of damage done to your body is caused by molecules known as free radicals. What are free radicals? Let’s look at the current typical daily lifestyle. You are constantly…
Pick Immune-Boosting Foods
Pick Immune-Boosting Foods Are you surrounded by coughs and sneezes? From October through march, flu season is in full swing. The best way to prevent the seasonal flu is to make sure you and your loved ones, especially children and…