Tender Jowar chaat (hurda Chaat)

Tender Jowar chaat (hurda Chaat)
Tender jowar Chaat, is a very simple, yet delicious recipe and can be prepared in minutes.


1 cup hurda
1 onion chopped finely
1 tomato chopped finely
1 tsp chopped green chillies
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp chaat masala
salt to taste

For The Garnish
1 tbsp chopped corriander,
Spring onions finely chopped

Steam the hurda (tender jowar) for 3 to 5 minutes, do not overcook jowar. Jowar can be used without steaming also for this chaat. Remove from a flame and put it in a mixing bowl.

Add the green chillies, onion, tomato,chaat masala, salt and lemon juice, mix well.

Serve immediately and garnish with chopped spring onion and corriander.
Njoy it anytime or as snacks.

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