
February is National Heart Month
February is National Heart Month

February is National Heart Month

February is National Heart Month You’re thin, your cholesterol and blood pressure are good, and nobody in your family has ever had a heart attack – so you figure you must be safe from heart disease. New research suggests you…

Eat Healthy stay healthy say no to junk lifestyle
Eat Healthy stay healthy say no to junk lifestyle

Eat Healthy stay healthy say no to junk lifestyle

Eat Healthy stay healthy say no to junk lifestyle Would you ignore any of this? Blood Pressure Cholesterol Blood Sugar High Body Mass Index (BMI) (above 23) Your body comes with key health indicators that let you know how healthy…

Change your lifestyle NOW OR NEVER
Change your lifestyle NOW OR NEVER

Change your lifestyle NOW OR NEVER

Change your lifestyle NOW OR NEVER If you know you need to change your lifestyle, don’t plan for 30 days down the line, or even tomorrow morning. Start Now. There is no such thing as a ‘last meal’, give up…

It’s Time to Change Your Workout Routine
It’s Time to Change Your Workout Routine

It’s Time to Change Your Workout Routine

It’s Time to Change Your Workout Routine Changing Exercises once in a while is not a bad idea as your body gets used to same movements and pressure and soon stop growing that fast. When you feel that your muscle…

The Importance of Folic Acid during Pregnancy
The Importance of Folic Acid during Pregnancy

The Importance of Folic Acid during Pregnancy

Pregnancy Awareness Week – 12th feb to 16th feb 2018 The Importance of Folic Acid during Pregnancy All nutrients are essential in preparing for pregnancy, but folate or folic acid merits special consideration. Soon after conception, folate helps develop the…

Free radicals- the killing monster
Free radicals- the killing monster

Free radicals- the killing monster

Free radicals- the killing monster One of the most frequent types of damage done to your body is caused by molecules known as free radicals. What are free radicals? Let’s look at the current typical daily lifestyle. You are constantly…

Eat a variety of foods everyday
Eat a variety of foods everyday

Eat a variety of foods everyday

Eat a variety of foods everyday Eating a variety of foods is very important for a balanced diet. I keep on stressing this point very often with my clients too, that by eating only one or two kinds of foods,…

Choose powerful vegetables
Choose powerful vegetables

Choose powerful vegetables

Choose powerful vegetables Fresh vegetables, leafy vegetables should be consumed in good amounts.. Not all vegetables are created equal. The darker the color, the higher the concentration of nutrients. For example, spinach has more to offer the mind and body…