Barely water – healthy summer drink

Barley water
In some countries, people consume barley rice during summer for its cooling properties.

Boil a table spoon of barley seeds in a liter of water. Bring down the quantity to half, if you don’t enjoy the bland taste, then you could add a dash of lemon and keep consuming barley water through out the day.

-Barley water also brings down the heat content in the body.
-It also works as an excellent substitute to aerated drinks to quench your thirst.
-As it’s a cooling agent it also helps reduce burning sensation in the stomach.
-It improves digestion and fight constipation, feeling of nausea.”
-Barley water also prevents urine from stinking. Infact it is the best medicine when you have a Urinary Tract Infection.
-Regular consumption of barley water cleanses your kidney and keeps it free of toxins.

A study conducted by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that the fiber that comes from barley water lowers cholesterol, cuts risk of Type-2 diabetes.The antioxidants in barley prevents cancerous growths.

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