Stop multitasking One word that sums up health advice is mindfulness: a “state of active, open attention on the present,” What does this mean? It means not eating in front of the TV, while on the computer, checking e-mails on the…

Stop multitasking One word that sums up health advice is mindfulness: a “state of active, open attention on the present,” What does this mean? It means not eating in front of the TV, while on the computer, checking e-mails on the…
Resolution special – Try something new Try a yoga class or a Spin class. If you don’t enjoy that, try Pilates or Zumba. Go ice skating or skiing…go hiking Want to eat better? Take a healthy cooking class. If you…
Resolution special- Be Better may be not perfect Every day make a promise with yourself to be a little bit better like for eg at snacks, instead of chips, you buy an apple. Instead of watching TV you do 15…
New Year’s resolution idea – Being with nature Being with nature can have a big effect on an overloaded mind,When the body’s sympathetic nervous system mobilizes our fight-or-flight response, it can’t tell the difference between stress caused by a bear…
Resolution special- Add something Instead of deleting Make a resolution to add something instead of subtracting things like sugar or fat from your diet. Add a serving of vegetables to every meal. Add protein to your snacks. Add two glasses…
Resolution special – Choose a theme “Choosing just one word that describes how you want to feel instead of what you think you should do or accomplish in the New Year is really powerful,“ “Once you’ve chosen your theme throughout…
Don’t let this happen to you Its time to fine tune your diet and exercise habits. Granted, changing these habits is easier said than done. But with a positive “can-do” attitude and a realistic action plan, you can take strides…
BER FRUIT Benefits of BER Fruit!!!!!ABUNDANTLY SEEN IN THIS SEASON BER FRUIT- Also known as Ziziphus, Bor, Ranbor, Indian Jujube The Ber fruit is also associated with Sabari, an old woman who is mentioned in the Hindu epic Ramayana. She…
SPROUTED BAJRA KHICHDI Enjoy this steaming hot khichdi in such a chilly weather. Even I tried this for first time. High fibre content helps in weight loss, controlling cholesterol, triglyceride. This khichdi is an easy recipe. It is a one-dish…
Christmas season special Follow the 80/20 plan: Eighty percent of the year, you’ll exercise regularly & eat well. Know that you’ll slip 20 percent of the time due to festivals, holidays & work. When you accept this, you’re more likely…