Excess of vitamin D

Excess of VITAMIN D
What’s alarming is that many people consume Vitamin D 💊Supplements without consulting a medical practitioner and being unaware whether or not their body needs Vitamin D at the first place. And if it does, how much Vitamin D does the body require for optimum health benefits.

💊Vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means your body has a hard time getting rid of it if you take too much. When you take large amounts of vitamin D, your liver produces too much of a chemical called 25(OH)D.

💊This can cause high levels of calcium to develop in your blood. High blood calcium is a condition called hypercalcemia. High calcium can cause hypercalcuria (kidney stones).

💊Hypercalcuria occurs when the body tries to get rid of excess calcium by excreting it, via the kidneys.

How do I know if I have taken too much?

A blood test to measure your 25(OH)D levels can tell you whether you have too high of vitamin D levels.

People with more than 150ng/dl are Vitamin D toxic. The sufficient levels are between 20- 30ng/ml and the safe upper limit is 60ng/ml.

Take your 💊supplements carefully….too much of anything is bad.

#vitaminD #sunlight #exercise #bonehealthynutrients #calciumabsorption #vitamindsupplements

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