Fatigue, lethargy, tiredness are you feeling the same

Fatigue, lethargy, tiredness are you feeling the same

Did you know that the human brain uses about 20 to 30% of a person’s daily energy intake.That’s why people who don’t consume enough calories in their diet are more likely to experience lower motivation levels & mental alertness.


With the demands of today’s hectic lifestyles combined with too few hours of quality sleep and poor eating habits, it’s no wonder many people complain of fatigue and low energy. Nutritional deficiencies are also associated with fatigue.

Just like the car needs the right type of fuel; don’t expect a standard car to run on diesel fuel. “Similarly the body uses energy-yielding carbohydrates, protein, and fat in very specific ways, consuming each in proportion to the other is essential to ensure sufficient energy to complete daily tasks, feel good, and to maintain an optimal state of health.”

Just as undereating can lead to fatigue, overeating puts the body in overdrive, channeling tremendous amounts of energy to digest and absorb the large amounts of food consumed. How can a person feel refreshed after eating too much? It’s only natural to want to curl up and nap after a big meal; the resulting insulin overproduction can leave too little sugar available for immediate energy, resulting in lethargy.

Unfortunately, just as eating too much can lead to fatigue, fatigue can lead to eating too much, creating a vicious cycle of weight gain and decreased energy. Clients in this predicament must break the cycle by focusing on portion control, adequate sleep and stress management.


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