Kitchen engaging Activities for kids

Thhere are many different ways your child, no matter the age, can benefit from cooking in the kitchen! Here are a few activities

📝Involve them in designing menu

🌱Planting seeds

🍥Churning of curds
Making of ghee explore the science

🥚Beating of eggs

🥔Peeling of potatoes
Deshelling peas

🥪Making dosa, Sandwiches or just applying butter on bread.

🥗Washing and cleaning veggies

🍏Measuring and mixing dry ingredients

🍍Playing games to introduce new foods
Designating week with Different colour foods and using the theme like RED COLOUR OR YELLOW COLOR to introduce new food

🍊Teach your kids fun facts
Let them do a Google search and find fun facts such as… tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable

🍎Giving novelty names to different foods and creating a story out of it.

So choose a recipe, grab an apron, and open your refrigerator. Happy cooking!

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