World Thyroid Day 25th May

World Thyroid Day 25th May

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the base of your neck.

The main job of the thyroid is to put out thyroid hormones, which are a pair of chemicals that float through your bloodstream and controls how your body uses energy.

Like a car, we need fuel to run, manage the speed of the car, the body needs fuel for you to do to exercise, or whatever – it also needs energy to keep the heart beating,  the lungs breathing, to regulate your heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and the rate at which food is converted into energy.

Hypothyroidism is characterized by symptoms of fatigue, depression, and forgetfulness, while hyperthyroidism is associated with irritability, nervousness, and muscle weakness.

This World Thyroid Day, learn how to maintain a healthy thyroid

1. Eat a well-balanced diet.  Inflammation in the intestines can lead to thyroid problems. Aim for four to five servings of vegetables and three to four servings of fruits every day and combine good quality proteins and healthy fats.

2. Avoid processed packaged foods

3. Raw cruciferous vegetables can mess with your thyroid. Lightly steaming or cooking them can enhance the nutritional value of your food.

4. Lose weight if obese. Experts say that obesity is contributing factor for thyroid-related disorders.

5. Iodine deficiencies contribute to thyroid disorders. Maintain your iodine levels, opt for iodized salt instead of sea salt.

6. Exercise regularly and remain active, this will help you keep your metabolism up.

#WorldThyroidDay #eathealthy#weightloss#diet#shilpsnutrilife

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