
Healthy Patty
Healthy Patty

Healthy Patty

Healthy Patty This recipe was curated by my teenage daughter…. U just need to handhold them when young…. Later on they surprise you…. A wholesome dish with complex carbs (daliya), proteins (moong dal) and antioxidant from veggies ….kids hate daliya…

Awla Chutney Amla i.e Indian goose berry🍏 is a power house of Vitamin C, full of antioxidant properties and fibre.It is also very good for hair,skin. Here is one method by which you can include it in your diet, awla…

JAVAS LEHSUN CHUTNEY (Alsi garlic chutney)
JAVAS LEHSUN CHUTNEY (Alsi garlic chutney)

JAVAS LEHSUN CHUTNEY (Alsi garlic chutney)

#WorldHeart♥️Day 29th sept Special JAVAS LEHSUN CHUTNEY (Alsi garlic chutney) A decent combination, this is great for cardiac types….Flax(omega 3), Garlic (flavonoids and sulfur-containing Allicin), Capsaicin(from chillies)…..helps reduce cholesterol provides heart♥️ friendly omega 3. FLAX SEED chutney ♥️Grind together 250…

Tamarind Drink
Tamarind Drink

Tamarind Drink

Tamarind drink Tamarind… Imli is very,cooling boosts immune system, helps prevent heat stroke, support digestion and helps prevent ulcer. A crisp concoction of tamarind water & cumin flavored with mint, black salt, chillies & ginger. Each ingredient plays a role…